AveriGo Portal Help


This is the Help page for setting up & managing your micro-markets in AveriGo, so shoppers can use the GrabScanGo app to purchase from those markets.

Log into your AveriGo portal at the link that was sent to you by the AveriGo support team (e.g. xyzvending.averigo.com).



  • Add a Category (of Products)
  • Edit a Category
  • Add a Product to Inventory
  • Edit a Product in Inventory


  • Add a Catalog (of Products)
  • Duplicate a Catalog
  • Edit a Catalog


  • Add a Market Location, and Add Products to Market Location
  • Duplicate a Location
  • Edit a Location & its Products


  • Set Up Bluetooth Beacon at Location
  • Test Shopping & Purchasing at Location


  • Create Order
  • Approve Order
  • Pick Order
  • Receive Order




  • Set up an Email Notification
  • Edit an Email Notification


  • Set up a Special
  • Edit a Special


  • Set up Credit
  • Set up Payroll Deduction
  • Set up Company Credit




Add a Category (of Products)

  • Click “Inventory” —> “Configuration” —> “Product Categories”
  • Click “Create”
  • Enter “Category Name”
    • NOTE: Use an appropriate name – e.g. “Carbonated Beverages”, “Non-carbonated Beverages”, “Energy Drinks”, etc. – since these names are displayed in the GrabScanGo app
  • Add a Category Image by hovering over the image window & clicking on the pencil icon
  • Enter optional “Description”
  • Check “Enable Front Desk” box if category contains restricted products that can ONLY be purchased through location’s Front Desk Terminal – e.g. beer, wine, etc.
    • Click HERE for instructions to set up front-desk-only purchases
  • Check “Available outside market area” box if category can also be purchased when shopper is not near market – e.g. bulk products that will be delivered to shopper when market is stocked
  • Click “Save”

Edit a Category

  • Click “Inventory” —> “Configuration” —> “Product Categories”
  • Click “Edit”
  • Edit necessary fields
  • Click “Save”

Add a Product to Inventory

  • Click “Inventory” —> “Product Master”
  • Click “Create”
  • Enter “Product Name” (e.g. “Diet Coke Can 12oz”)
    • NOTE: Use an appropriate name – e.g. “Diet Coke Can 12oz”, “Pepsi Bottle 20oz”, etc. – since these names are displayed in the GrabScanGo app & various reports
  • Add a Product Image by hovering over the image window & clicking on the pencil icon
  • Select “Unit of Measure” (select “Each” as unit of measure)
  • Select “Primary Location”
    • NOTE: If product will be in a new bin location in the warehouse, add the bin location first:
      • Click “Inventory” —> “Bin Locations”
      • Click “Create”
      • Enter “Bin Location” name
      • Enter other relevant bin location info (optional)
      • Click “Save”
  • Select “Product Category” (to which product will be assigned)
    • If product is restricted – e.g. beer, wine – select restricted-product category that was created above
  • Select “Taxable Status” (select “Yes” if product is taxable, or “No” if product is non-taxable)
    • NOTE: If a product is marked as taxable when added to inventory, it will automatically be marked as taxable when imported into a catalog or market; However, it can then be changed to non-taxable in each market, if required
  • Add “List Price 1″
    • NOTE: This price will be imported when product is imported to a catalog or market; It can then be changed in catalog or market, if needed
  • Add “Preferred Vendor”, if any
  • Add “Cost”
  • Add UPC(s) by clicking “Add a line” in the “Multiple UPC?” section
  • Add “Micromarket Min” & “Micromarket Max” values, to automatically set default Min & Max values for the product when imported into a catalog or market
  • Click “Save”

NOTE: If a new product is added to Inventory, it does not automatically get added to a catalog or market. If the market was created using a catalog, add the new product to the catalog – see “Edit a Catalog” in “ADD & EDIT CATALOGS“. If the market was created by adding products directly to the market instead of using a catalog, or the new product is only going to be sold at a single market, add it directly to that market – see “Edit a Market Location” in “ADD & EDIT MARKET LOCATIONS“.

Edit a Product in Inventory

  • Click “Inventory” —> “Product Master”
  • Select product to edit
  • Click “Edit”
  • Edit necessary fields
  • Click “Save”


      Use catalogs if you are planning to have multiple markets that are fairly similar – similar products, prices, and min and max levels. Once you have created a catalog, you can quickly create a new market by associating the catalog with a market location.

      Create a Catalog (of Products)

      • Click “Inventory” —> “Product Catalog”
      • Click “Create”
      • Enter “Product Catalog Name”
      • Select “Micro Market” in “Catalog Type” dropdown
      • Add one or more categories by clicking “Category” dropdown, selecting categories, and clicking “Add”
      • Add one or more products by clicking “Products” dropdown, selecting products, and clicking “Add”
      • Edit Unit of Measure, Price, Min & Max for each product, if needed
        • NOTE: If you edit a Min or Max value for a product, you can copy the same Min or Max value to other products in the catalog by clicking the Copy icon next to the value
        • NOTE: If catalog has more than 40 products, click on “1-40” field & change “40” to max number of products (e.g. “256”) to view all products on a single screen
          • Use Tab key to move from one column to the next column within a row
          • Use Shift+Tab keys to move from one column to the previous column within a row
          • Use Down key to move from one row to the next row within the same column
          • Use Up key to move from one row to the previous row within the same column
          • Use Enter key to move from one row to the first editable field of the next row
      • Click “Save”

      Duplicate a Catalog

      Duplicate a catalog if you want to use an existing catalog as a starting point for a new one. For example, you can duplicate a 2-cooler/2-shelf catalog to create a starting point for a 3-cooler/3-shelf one, and then add products to it.

      • Click “Inventory” —> “Product Catalog”
      • Select catalog to duplicate
      • Click “Action” –> “Duplicate”
      • Edit name of new catalog in “Product Catalog Name”
        • NOTE: Use a different name for the new catalog
      • Click “Save”

      Edit a Catalog

      • Click “Inventory” —> “Product Catalog”
      • Select catalog to edit
      • Click “Edit”
      • Add one or more categories by clicking “Category” dropdown, selecting categories, and clicking “Add”
      • Add one or more products by clicking “Products” dropdown, selecting products, and clicking “Add”
        • If one or more markets were created using the catalog, you can have the product(s) also added to all or some of those markets when prompted
      • Edit Unit of Measure, Price, Min & Max for each product, if needed
        • NOTE: If you edit a Price for a product, you can also change the Price in markets that use the catalog by clicking Save (disk icon) next to the price
        • NOTE: If you edit a Min or Max value for a product, you can copy the same Min or Max value to other products in the catalog by clicking the Copy icon next to the min or max
        • NOTE: If catalog has more than 40 products, click on “1-40” field & change “40” to max number of products (e.g. “256”) to view all products on a single screen
          • Use Tab key to move from one column to the next column within a row
          • Use Shift+Tab keys to move from one column to the previous column within a row
          • Use Down key to move from one row to the next row within the same column
          • Use Up key to move from one row to the previous row within the same column
          • Use Enter key to move from one row to the first editable field of the next row
      • Delete products:
        • Delete a single product by clicking on the Delete (trash icon) at the end of the row
        • Delete multiple products by checking the boxes at the beginning of the row, and then clicking the “Delete” button above the table
        • Delete all products by checking the “Select All” box, and then clicking the “Delete” button, above the table
      • Click “Save”

      NOTE: After a market is created from a catalog, any changes made to the catalog don’t automatically change in the market. Only new markets created from the catalog will get the changes.


      Add a Market Location, and Add Products to Market Location

      If the market location is for a new customer, add the customer first:

      • Click “Customer Care” —> “Customers”
      • Click “Create”
      • Enter “Name”
      • Enter “Zip” to automatically populate “City”, “State” & “County”
      • Enter “Street”
      • Click “Save”

      Once the customer is added to the list of customers:

      • Click “Inventory” —> “Locations”
      • Click “Create”
      • Enter “Location Name” (e.g. “Acme Corporation Break Room”)
      • Add a Location Image by clicking on the pencil icon
      • Select “Micro Market” in “Location Type” dropdown
      • Enter “Zip” to automatically populate “City”, “State” & “County”
      • Enter “Street”
        • NOTE: Sales tax for market location is automatically calculated from the address, so make sure it is correct
      • Select customer from “Customer Details” dropdown
      • Click “Products” tab
      • Add one or more products by clicking “Products” dropdown, selecting products, and clicking “Add”
      • Add one or more catalogs by clicking “Product Catalog” dropdown, selecting catalog(s), and clicking “Add Catalog Products” (located below the table of products
        • NOTE: After a market is created from a catalog, any changes made to the catalog don’t automatically waterfall down to the market – except for the following:
          • New products added to the catalog can then also be added to one or more markets created from the catalog
          • Prices changed in the catalog can then also be changed at markets created from the catalog
      • Edit Taxable Status, Selling Price, Subsidy, Min & Max for each product, if needed
        • NOTE: If you edit Selling Price, Min or Max value for a product, you can copy the same Selling Price, Min or Max value to other products in the catalog by clicking the Copy icon next to the min or max
        • NOTE: If location has more than 40 products, click on “1-40” field & change “40” to max number of products (e.g. “256”) to view all products on a single screen
          • Use Tab key to move from one column to the next column within a row
          • Use Shift+Tab keys to move from one column to the previous column within a row
          • Use Down key to move from one row to the next row within the same column
          • Use Up key to move from one row to the previous row within the same column
          • Use Enter key to move from one row to the first editable field of the next row
      • Click “Save”
      • Once location is set up, send an email to support@averigo.com with the below info, to have “Beacon Settings” configured:
        • Operator Name
        • Location Name

      Duplicate a Market Location

      Duplicate a location if you want the new location to have the same (or similar) products, prices, taxable status, min, max, etc. as an existing location AND will be for the same customer as the original location. Of course, once you have duplicated the existing location to create a new one, you can always edit the new location’s products, prices, taxable status, subsidies, min, max, etc.

      • Click “Inventory” —> “Locations”
      • Select location to duplicate
      • Click “Action” –> “Duplicate”
      • Edit “Location Name”
      • Add a Location Image by clicking on the pencil icon
      • Enter “Zip” to automatically populate “City”, “State” & “County”
      • Enter “Street”
      • Click “Save”

      Edit a Market Location & its Products

      • Click “Inventory” —> “Locations”
      • Select location to edit
      • Click “Edit”
      • Add one or more products by clicking “Products” dropdown, selecting products, and clicking “Add”
      • Add one or more catalogs by clicking “Product Catalog” dropdown, selecting catalog(s), and clicking “Add Catalog Products” (located below the table of products
      • Edit Taxable Status, Selling Price, Subsidy, Min & Max for each product, if needed
        • NOTE: If you edit Selling Price, Min or Max value for a product, you can copy the same Selling Price, Min or Max value to other products in the catalog by clicking the Copy icon next to the min or max
        • NOTE: If location has more than 40 products, click on “1-40” field & change “40” to max number of products (e.g. “256”) to view all products on a single screen
          • Use Tab key to move from one column to the next column within a row
          • Use Shift+Tab keys to move from one column to the previous column within a row
          • Use Down key to move from one row to the next row within the same column
          • Use Up key to move from one row to the previous row within the same column
          • Use Enter key to move from one row to the first editable field of the next row
      • Delete products:
        • NOTE: A product can only be deleted if it has not had a sale transaction; To remove a product from the location that has had one or more transactions, discontinue it instead
        • Delete a single product by clicking on the Delete (trash icon) at the end of the row
        • Delete multiple products by checking the boxes at the beginning of the row, and then clicking the “Delete” button above the table
        • Delete all products by checking the “Select All” box, and then clicking the “Delete” button, above the table
      • Discontinue products:
        • Discontinue a product by sliding the Discontinue switch at the beginning of the product’s row to the On position
        • NOTE: A product can only be discontinued if it has 0 stock at the location; To adjust stock to 0, use Update Location Inventory, or the Reconcile function on the AveriGo Inventory app
        • NOTE: To restore a discontinued product back to the location, click “Discontinued Products” in the upper right corner of the location’s box, expand the list of discontinued products, and then slide the Discontinue switch at the beginning of the respective product’s row to the Off position
      • Click “Save”


        Set Up Bluetooth Beacon at Market Location

        • Plug beacon (plus charger) into electric outlet
        • Open GrabScanGo app & check whether the market is displayed on the Home screen
          • If market is not displayed, contact support@averigo.com

        Test Shopping & Purchasing at Market Location

        • Scan all products at market using the GrabScanGo app before opening it up to shoppers
        • Click “Scan”, then “Cancel” each time
          • Note the ones that didn’t scan, and then fix the issue(s) in AveriGo – issues could be that product is not in inventory or not in market, no/wrong UPC code, etc.
        • Purchase at least 1 product at market to ensure that payment processing is properly enabled for that market
        • NOTE: When new products are added to market, scan them at market, and fix any scan failures


            Create an Order

            • Click “Micro Market Services” —> “Store Orders”
            • Click “Create”
            • Select “Source Warehouse”
            • Select “Customer”
            • Select “Micro Market”
            • Select “Category”, if creating order for a single category
            • Select “Order Date”, “Promise Date”, “Picking User” to select employee who will pick the order, Route, Owner (all optional)
            • Adjust “Ordered Quantity”, if necessary
            • Click “Save”

            Approve an Order

            • Click “Micro Market Services” —> “Store Orders”
            • Select order to approve
            • Click “Approve”

            Pick an Order

            • Click “Micro Market Services” —> “Store Orders”
            • Select order to pick
            • Click “Edit”
            • Click “Operations” tab
            • Adjust “Picking Quantity”, if necessary
            • Click “Pick”

            Receive an Order

            • Click “Micro Market Services” —> “Store Orders”
            • Select order to receive
            • Click “Edit”
            • Click “Picking Operations” tab
            • Adjust “Received Qty”, if necessary
            • Click “Receive”

            NOTE: The AveriGo Inventory app can also be used to receive an order.


            The inventory at a location can be updated using either this section of the portal, or the AveriGo Inventory app.

            • Click “Micro Market Services” —> “Update Location Inventory”
            • Select customer from “Customer” dropdown
            • Select location from “Micro Market” dropdown
            • If selecting a single category to update, select category from “Product Category” dropdown; Else leave blank
            • Click “Get Product List”
            • Adjust the following fields for the products you would like to update:
              • Actual: Actual current stock level of product
                • NOTE: If the Actual quantity is adjusted down (from the Stock quantity), and the total difference between Stock & Actual is not captured in the Spoiled, Theft & Return fields, then the remaining difference will be automatically assigned to Theft
              • Spoiled: Quantity of product spoiled
              • Theft: Quantity of product stolen or missing
              • Return: Quantity of product to be returned to warehouse
              • Warehouse: Select warehouse from which product is delivered or to which it is returned
              • Click checkbox at the end of the row


              A UPC scan failure will occur if:

              • Product has not been added to market in system (common)
              • Product has incorrect or missing UPC in system (common)
              • Product has not been added to inventory in system (rare)
              • Shopper has scanned a product you do not carry – scanned a product that he/she purchased elsewhere or scanned a random barcode label (very rare)

              Steps to fix it:

              • Check UPC & image (if shopper used GrabScanGo app) in email that was sent by support@averigo.com with subject “Warning : Barcode Scan failed – UPC not found” to identify product
              • Click “Locations” & select location to check if product is in market
                • If product is not in market, add it to market
                • If product is already in market, check whether it has missing UPC (from failure email), and if it does not:
                  • Click “Inventory” —> “Product Master”
                  • Select product to check
                  • Click “Edit”
                  • Correct any incorrect UPCs, or add new UPC in “Multiple UPCs?” section
                  • Click “Save”


              • Did you add Product to Inventory?
              • Did you add UPC(s) for Product?
              • Did you add Product to Catalog(s) & Market(s)?


                You can set up email notifications, so that one or more members of your team will receive an email whenever 1) a shopper sends feedback, 2) a failed UPC scan occurs, or 3) the AveriGo Inventory app is used to reconcile inventory at a market.


                Set up an Email Notification

                • Click “Micro Market Services” –> “Email Notifications”
                • Click “Create”
                • Select email type to set up – Shopper Feedback, Barcode Scan Failure, Inventory Report, Terminal Offline/Online Notification, etc.
                • Click “Add a line” to add one or more recipients
                  • NOTE: Only “Email” is a required field, the rest are optional
                • Click “Save”

                Edit an Email Notification

                • Click “Micro Market Services” –> “Email Notifications”
                • Select email type from list
                • Click “Edit”
                • Delete, edit or add recipients
                • Click “Save”


                  Set up specials at market locations, to promote sales of one or more products.

                  Set up a Special

                  • Click “Micro Market Services” –> “Specials”
                  • Click “Create”
                  • Select “Start Date” & “Stop Date” of special
                  • Enter “Start Time” & “Stop Time” of special in 24-hour time format (00:00 to 24:00)
                    • NOTE: You can set up an all-day special by entering “00:00” for “Start Time” & “24:00” for “Stop Time”, or set up a special for a specific time slot in the day by entering the respective “Start Time” & “Stop Time” of that time slot
                  • Select “Discount %”, if product(s) are being discounted
                  • Select “Customer” & “Micro Market”, to select one or more customers & markets
                  • Select “Category”, if you are going to only promote product(s) in specific categories
                  • Check “Send Notification” box, enter “Notification Title” & add Notification Image, if you would like to notify all shoppers who have previously used the selected market(s) about the special
                  • Enter “Banner Text”, which will be displayed on Home screen of GrabScanGo app
                  • Click “Add a line” to add specific product(s), or click “Add All Products” to add all products
                  • Click “Save”

                  Edit a Special

                  • Click “Micro Market Services” –> “Specials”
                  • Select special to edit
                  • Click “Edit”
                  • Edit necessary fields
                  • Click “Save”

                    SET UP OTHER PAYMENT METHODS

                    Set up other payment methods for one or more market locations, so users can use the following payment methods for purchases:

                    • Credit
                      • You add complimentary or compensatory “Credit” to individual users’ accounts
                      • User selects “Credit” at checkout to pay for purchase, as long as total purchase amount is less than “Credit” balance
                    • Payroll Deduction
                      • Company sends list of employee emails & monthly limit (or specify “no limit”) per employee to you
                      • Employee can select “Payroll Deduction” at checkout to pay for purchase
                        • If Company has specified monthly limit, purchase amount must be less than remaining “Payroll Deduction” limit
                      • You bill Company for purchases made using “Payroll Deduction”
                      • Company deducts purchase amounts from respective employees’ paychecks
                      • If Company has specified monthly limit, “Payroll Deduction” limit resets to monthly limit on 1st day of the period
                    • Company Credit
                      • Company sends list of employee emails & monthly limit per employee to you
                      • Employee can select “Company Credit” at checkout to pay for purchase
                        • If Company has specified monthly limit, purchase amount must be less than remaining “Company Credit” limit
                      • You bill Company for purchases made using “Company Credit”
                      • “Company Credit” balance resets to monthly limit on 1st day of the period

                    Set up Credit

                    • Click “Micro Market Services” –> “Other Payment Methods”
                    • Click “Create”
                    • Enter “Nickname” for account – e.g. $5 Startup Credit for XYZ Corp Employees
                    • Select customer from “Bill To Customer” dropdown
                      • NOTE: Select the respective customer even if you are going to absorb any purchases made using Credit, so you have a record of where the Credit was used
                    • Select “Credit” in “Deduction Type” dropdown
                    • Enter “Credit Limit” – e.g. 5
                    • Select market locations where Credit can be used in “Micro Market” dropdown
                    • Add users:
                      1. In bulk:
                        • Click “Import Users”
                        • Click “Upload your file”
                        • Select file & upload
                          • NOTE: Download import template “GrabScanGo Other Payment Method Import – Template.xlsx” HERE
                          • NOTE: First Name, Last Name & Email field are required; Phone & Employee ID are optional
                        • Click “Import”
                      2. One at a time:
                        • Click “Add a line” & enter the following info for each user:
                          • First Name (required)
                          • Last Name (required)
                          • Email (required)
                          • Employee ID
                    • Click “Save”
                    • NOTE: To disable entire Credit account, check “Disable Credit” box
                    • NOTE: To disable Credit for a particular user, turn the “Disable User” switch on
                    • IMPORTANT: In order to be able to use Credit at authorized markets, a user MUST sign up with the same email address as the one imported or added

                    Set up Payroll Deduction

                    • Click “Micro Market Services” –> “Other Payment Methods”
                    • Click “Create”
                    • Enter “Nickname” for account – e.g. Payroll Deduction for XYZ Corp Employees
                    • Select customer from “Bill To Customer” dropdown
                    • Select “Payroll Deduction” in “Deduction Type” dropdown
                    • Enter “Credit Limit” if the amount that each user can use within a period is going to be capped; Else, check the “Allow Unlimited Spending” box
                    • Select market locations where Credit can be used in “Micro Market” dropdown
                    • If you entered a Credit Limit, select period for which the limit will apply in the “Date Configuration” dropdown – if you checked the “Allow Unlimited Spending” box, ignore this field:
                      • Daily, if Credit Limit is a daily limit
                      • Day of Week
                        • Select “1 Week” in “Period Length”, if Credit Limit will apply for a 1-week period
                        • Select “2 Week” in “Period Length”, if Credit Limit will apply for a 2-week period
                        • Select “Payroll Starts On” date, from which the 1-week or 2-week period starts
                      • Day of Month
                        • Select “1st – Last Day of Month”, if Credit Limit will apply for entire month
                        • Select “(1-15th) and (16th-Last Day of Month)”, if Credit Limit will apply for the first 15 days of the month, and again for the remainder of the month
                    • Add users:
                      1. In bulk:
                        • Click “Import Users”
                        • Click “Upload your file”
                        • Select file & upload
                          • NOTE: Download import template “GrabScanGo Other Payment Method Import – Template.xlsx” HERE
                          • NOTE: First Name, Last Name & Email field are required; Phone & Employee ID are optional
                        • Click “Import”
                      2. One at a time:
                        • Click “Add a line” & enter the following info for each user:
                          • First Name (required)
                          • Last Name (required)
                          • Email (required)
                          • Employee ID
                    • Click “Save”
                    • NOTE: To disable entire Payroll Deduction account, check “Disable Account” box
                    • NOTE: To disable Credit for a single user, turn the “Disable User” switch on for that user
                    • IMPORTANT: In order to be able to use Payroll Deduction at authorized markets, a user MUST sign up with the same email address as the one imported or added

                    Set up Company Credit

                    • Click “Micro Market Services” –> “Other Payment Methods”
                    • Click “Create”
                    • Enter “Nickname” for account – e.g. Payroll Deduction for XYZ Corp Employees
                    • Select customer from “Bill To Customer” dropdown
                    • Select “Company Credit” in “Deduction Type” dropdown
                    • Enter “Credit Limit” if the amount that each user can use within a period is going to be capped; Else, check the “Allow Unlimited Spending” box
                    • Select market locations where Credit can be used in “Micro Market” dropdown
                    • If you entered a Credit Limit, select period for which the limit will apply in the “Date Configuration” dropdown – if you checked the “Allow Unlimited Spending” box, ignore this field:
                      • Daily, if Credit Limit is a daily limit
                      • Day of Week
                        • Select “1 Week” in “Period Length”, if Credit Limit will apply for a 1-week period
                        • Select “2 Week” in “Period Length”, if Credit Limit will apply for a 2-week period
                        • Select “Payroll Starts On” date, from which the 1-week or 2-week period starts
                      • Day of Month
                        • Select “1st – Last Day of Month”, if Credit Limit will apply for entire month
                        • Select “(1-15th) and (16th-Last Day of Month)”, if Credit Limit will apply for the first 15 days of the month, and again for the remainder of the month
                    • If you want to roll users’ remaining limits from one period to the next, check the “Enable Rollover” box
                    • Add users:
                      1. In bulk:
                        • Click “Import Users”
                        • Click “Upload your file”
                        • Select file & upload
                          • NOTE: Download import template “GrabScanGo Other Payment Method Import – Template.xlsx” HERE
                          • NOTE: First Name, Last Name & Email field are required; Phone & Employee ID are optional
                        • Click “Import”
                      2. One at a time:
                        • Click “Add a line” & enter the following info for each user:
                          • First Name (required)
                          • Last Name (required)
                          • Email (required)
                          • Employee ID
                    • Click “Save”
                    • NOTE: To disable entire Company Credit account, check “Disable Company Credit” box
                    • NOTE: To disable Credit for a single user, turn the “Disable User” switch on for that user
                    • IMPORTANT: In order to be able to use Company Credit at authorized markets, a user MUST sign up with the same email address as the one imported or added

                      SET UP EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT

                      Set up employee discount for one or more market locations (e.g. hotels), so employees of that location can receive discounted prices.

                      • Click “Micro Market Services” –> “Front Desk/Employee Discount”
                      • Click “Create”
                      • Enter “Desk Id” (nickname) for account – e.g. Employee Discount for Holiday Inn Ontario
                      • Select customer from “Bill To Customer” dropdown
                      • Select “Employee” in “Desk Type” dropdown
                      • Enter “Discount %” – e.g. 40
                      • Select market locations where Employee Discount is available in “Micro Market” dropdown
                      • Add users:
                        1. In bulk:
                          • Click “Import Users”
                          • Click “Upload your file”
                          • Select file & upload
                            • NOTE: Download import template “GrabScanGo Employee Discount User List – Template.xlsx” HERE
                            • NOTE: First Name, Last Name & Email field are required; Phone & Employee ID are optional
                          • Click “Import”
                        2. One at a time:
                          • Click “Add a line” & enter the following info for each user:
                            • First Name (required)
                            • Last Name (required)
                            • Email (required)
                            • Employee ID
                      • Click “Confirm”
                      • Click “Save”
                      • NOTE: To disable Employee Discount for a particular user, turn the “Disable User” switch on
                      • IMPORTANT: In order to be able to use the Employee Discount at authorized markets, a user MUST sign up with the same email address as the one imported or added

                        SET UP FRONT-DESK-ONLY PURCHASES

                        Set up an authorized user (email address) that is allowed to purchase restricted products – e.g. beer, wine – at markets. This email address is then used to log in on all Front Desk terminals, so restricted-product purchases can then be processed on those terminals.

                        • Click “Micro Market Services” –> “Front Desk/Employee Discount”
                        • Click “Create”
                        • Enter “Desk Id” (nickname) for account – e.g. Front-Desk-Only Purchases for Hotel Markets
                        • Select customer from “Bill To Customer” dropdown
                        • Select “Front Desk” in “Desk Type” dropdown
                        • Check “Allow All Category Items” box to allow purchase of all products at the market, and not just restricted ones
                        • Select market locations where this user (email address) is authorized to process restricted-product purchases
                        • Add authorized user:
                          • Click “Add a line” & enter the following info for user:
                            • First Name (required) – e.g. XYZ Vending
                            • Last Name (required) – e.g. Front Desk Terminals
                            • Email (required) – e.g. xyzvendingfdterminals@gmail.com
                        • Click “Confirm”
                        • Click “Save”
                        • NOTE: Click HERE for instructions to create a restricted-product category and add restricted products to it
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